
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekend recap.

It feels like it's been a really busy weekend for me. I haven't done much, but I guess there has been a lot going on.

Shall we recap?
Why not.

Let's see...
MB and I are getting roomates. Yay.
You'll notice the absence of an exclamation point on my 'yay'. That's because I'm not super excited about this.
It's kind of a necessity for us right now. We are tired of being broke and something needs to change.

So, when one of the guys at the firehouse said he needed a place to live, we saw an opportunity.
We will be opening our home to a 24 year old firefighter from Ron's firehouse and his 18 year old girlfriend.

I tried explaining the situation to my coworkers and the most common phrase among their responses was: 'red flags'.
That's not necessarily a good sign.

However, we have a lot of room to spare, a lot of repairs that need to be done and a rather large hole in our bank account that needs to be filled.

I'm sure I'll be posting about that as things unfold.
Be prepared.

I found out that a friend from my hometown passed away Thursday. He was 47 years old. He was a huge part of the local community. A mentor, teacher, coach and friend to many. He will truly be missed by everyone who was blessed to know him.

His death was a shock to a lot of us. I know a lot of my friends have been hurting and it pains me that I can't be there with them. I will see them all soon though and we will be drinking in Allen's honor.

I really don't know what to say after that. Seems that I have really brought things down.
I'm saying good night.
Be back tomorrow. :)


  1. Good luck. I'm sure it will give you lots of good stories as well as some extra cash.

  2. P.S. So excited to see my blog in your "check these out" list. Thought I'd mention I changed the name recently to "a beautiful mess". Trying to keep everyone on their toes. :)

  3. Ugh. Sorry.

    However...the new roomies will be excellent blog fodder - even if they are fabulous roommates. Good or bad, it's a win-win situation for the blog :)

    Just trying to look on the bright side for you.

  4. Good luck! Sometimes we just need to do what we need to do, to be able to keep our heads above water.

    FrugalMom from
    The Fit & Frugal Challenge

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss. :( It's hard when you know your loved ones are hurting and you can't be there to comfort them.

    And the roommate thing... it is what it is. If this is going to potentially make things easier for you and MB, so be it - it doesn't have to be a forever thing, right?


  6. Maybe you'll get lucky and they will be the perfect roommates? Yeah, I'm really good at being delusional, I know.

    Ok maybe they won't be THAT bad? Here's hoping.


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